Seminar on the General Court’s Google shopping judgment

BECCLE is organizing a seminar about the General Court’s judgments in the Google shopping case and the Intel case with several well distinguished speakers. The judgment raises several interesting issues related to competition in digital markets, and the speakers will discuss the judgment from different angles.

Thomas Vinje (partner of Clifford and Chance and assistant professor II Faculty of Law, University of Bergen), will give an overview of the judgment

Jorge Padilla (Compass Lexecon) will discuss the implications of the General Court’s rulings in the Google Shopping and Intel cases for the standard of proof in Article 102 TFEU

Cani Fernandez (president of the Spanish Competition Authorities) will discuss the interface between antitrust law and the Digital Markets act in the light of the Google Shopping judgment.

Time: Friday 29th April at 10:15 to 12:00

Venue: Auditorium 4, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen (Magnus Lagabøtes Plass 1)

The seminar will also be streamed on Zoom through this link: