* The ninth annual BECCLE conference on competition policy will be held June 5-6 in Bergen, Norway. For details and updates, see HERE.

Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) was established in 2011 and is jointly owned by Norwegian School of Economics and the University of Bergen. It serves as a meeting place for economists and lawyers interested in competition policy questions. BECCLE is a member of the CLEEN Network.
EU-kommisjonen har kommet med utkast til retningslinjer for misbruk av dominans (artikkel 102 i TFEU). Dette utkastet er av mange blitt tolket som at EU-kommisjonen nå i mindre grad enn Read More ...
In this short comment, Professors Ronny Gjendemsjø and Tore Lunde from the University of Bergen and the Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) provide a feedback of the Read More ...
The Draghi Report was submitted to the European Commission in September this year, and it is an important input for the commission’s future work on competitiveness for Europe. Competition Policy Read More ...
BECCLE will organize various activities, both conferences and more regular seminars. You will find more information about the events and programs on these pages. Also, you may subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about news, blog posts and events!
Many of BECCLE’s seminar and other event are recorded and streamed live. Recordings of previous events are available here…