Opening of BECCLE

Lars Sørgard, Mette Bjørndal, Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen and Tore Lunde outside BECCLE in Parkveien 20


The official opening was made by the chair of the BECCLE board, vice rector Mette Bjørndal from Norwegian School of Economics, on September 9 2011.

Speeches with greetings to the new center were made by deputy rector Berit Rokne at University of Bergen, director general Christine B. Meyer from the Norwegian Competition Authority, dean Knut Helland from Faculty of Social Sciences at University of Bergen and dean Asbjørn Strandbakken at Faculty of Law at University of Bergen.


Dean at The Faculty of Social Sciences Knut Helland (right) congratulates Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen at the opening of BECCLE


Mette Bjørndal, Patrick Rey and Lars Sørgard in BECCLE’s offices in Parkveien 20