BECCLE working papers:
- Tommy S. Gabrielsen, Bjørn O. Johansen and Teis L. Lømo: “Resale price maintenance in two-sided markets.” Department of Economics working paper 08-2015.
- Teis Lunde Lømo: Risk sharing mitigates opportunism in vertical contracting. Department of Economics working paper 10-2015.
- Sánchez Graells, Albert and Herrera Anchustegui, Ignacio, “Impact of Public Procurement Aggregation on Competition. Risks, Rationale and Justification for the Rules in Directive 2014/24” December 5 2014 University of Leicester School of Law Research Paper No. 14-35.
- Tommy S. Gabrielsen and Bjørn O. Johansen: “The opportunism problem revisited: the case of retailer sales effort.” Revised version (20.03.2014): “Resale price maintenance with secret contracts and retail service externalities.” Department of Economics working paper.
- Tommy S. Gabrielsen and Bjørn O. Johansen: “Resale price maintenance and up-front payments: Achieving horizontal control under seller and buyer power”, Department of Economics working paper No. 2/13
- Jensen, Sissel, Ola Kvaløy, Trond E. Olsen and Lars Sørgard: “Crime and punishment: When tougher antitrust enforcement leads to higher overcharge”, mimeo, Norwegian School of Economics.
- Brekke, Kurt R., Luigi Siciliano and Odd R. Straume: “Hospital competition with soft budgets”, NIPE working paper 04/2012.
- Brekke, Kurt R., Luigi Siciliano and Odd R. Straume: “Can competition reduce quality”, NIPE working paper 05/2012.
- Gabrielsen, Tommy S. and Bjørn O. Johansen: “Buyer power and exclusion in vertically related markets”, Department of Economics working paper No. 01/12.
- Jensen, Sissel and Lars Sørgard: “Enforcement with heterogeneous cartels”, SNF working paper 14/2012.
- Johansen, Bjørn O.: “The buyer power of multiproduct retailers: Competition with one-stop shopping”, Department of Economics working paper No. 03/12.
- Johansen, Bjørn O.: “Private labels, rent shifting and consumer welfare”, Department of Economics working paper No. 02/12.
- Pal, Debashis, Kenneth Fjell and David E. M. Sappington: “On the Merits of Endogenous Access Pricing”, mimeo, Norwegian School of Economics.
- Steen, Frode and Lars Sørgard: “Disadvantageous Semicollusion: Price competition in the Norwegian Airline industry”, Discussion Paper 27/2012, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics.
- Hjelmeng, Erling: “Bindende tilsagn i konkurransesaker – forordning 1 art. 9 og relevansen for konkurranseloven”, SNF arbeidsnotat 13/2011.