A growing role for economics in State Aid Control

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

On Tuesday 23 September, Gjermund Mathisen, senior officer of ESA Legal and Executive Affairs, and newly appointed directior of ESA Competition and State Aid unit, will give an introduction to the new reform on State Aid and the growing role for economics in State Aid Control.

Konferanse: Offentlig oppgavetyveri?

Auditorium 4, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

Konferanse om like konkurransevilkår mellom offentlig og privat virksomhet fra et norsk og et dansk perspektiv

Seminar on EU state aid regulation

Auditorium 4, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

Patric Tomasso/Unsplash.   The Research Group for EU/EEA, Competition and Market Law and Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) are pleased to invite you to a seminar with Read More ...