Competition from Bottom to Top: New Trends in Electricity Markets
Auditorium 2, Juridisk Fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, NorwayIn this Energy Lab and BECCLE joint seminar we will discuss some of the challenges in the future for the electrical grid, the industry players, the role of the consumers, the rules and the business opportunities.
BECCLE-seminar: Fastprisavtalen for bøker
BECCLE har gleden av å invitere til seminar tirsdag 23. oktober om den norske fastprisordningen for bøker, som Regjeringen nå har signalisert at de ønsker å utvide.
BECCLE-seminar: forhandlinger og kvalifikasjonskrav
Seminarrom E, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, Hordaland, NorwayBECCLE har gleden av å invitere til et halvdagsseminar om forhandlinger og kvalifikasjonskrav i offentlige anskaffelser
Recent legal developments and new energy infrastructure
Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, NorwayThe Bergen Center for Competition Law & Economics (BECCLE) and the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET) invites you to an interesting talk about the recent legal developments related to the new energy infrastructure.
Seminar om sukkeravgifter i lys av statsstøtteregelverket
Seminarrom 2, Det juridiske fakultet, UiBBECCLE og Forskergruppen for konkurranse- og markedsrett har gleden av å invitere til et seminar om sukkeravgifter i lys av statsstøtteregelverket. Etter at forslaget til statsbudsjettet for 2019 ble lagt Read More ...
New seminar: State aid applied to environmental taxes
Seminarrom 2, Det juridiske fakultet, UiBResearch group for Competition and Market Law, Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) and Centre for climate and energy transformation (CET) have the pleasure to invite all who are interested in Green taxation and EU/EEA State aid rules to a seminar with Joana Pedroso.
Conference on Developments in Energy Markets
Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes Plass 1, Bergen, NorwayBECCLE invites you to the international conference “Developments in Energy Markets: A multidisciplinary perspective,” which will take place on the 14th and 15th of January 2019.
Guest lecture: State aid and tender procedures
Seminar room 1, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, NorwayDoes a Tender Exclude an Article 107(1) TFEU Advantage? BECCLE has the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar with Cees Dekker, Tuesday 12 March, on state aid and the tender procedure.
Bergen Competition Policy Conference 2019
Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) hosted the 5th annual conference on competition policy on the 25th and 26th of April 2019 in Bergen, Norway. The conference combined Read More ...
Seminar on The Competitiveness and Regulation of Offshore Wind Electricity
Seminarrom 2, Det juridiske fakultet, UiBBergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE), Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW), and the Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law (AUCEL), are pleased to invite you to the seminar “The Competitiveness and Regulation of Offshore Wind Electricity” on May 20.